Reflexology is a complementary therapy in which pressure is applied in one area of the body to benefit a corresponding area. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), certain body parts are thought to be linked through pressure points, and reflexology offers relief by manipulating these pressure points in areas of the body that are difficult to access and treat.
Where Are the Foot Pressure Points?
There are multiple pressure points in the feet, and each is believed to have a corresponding area in the body that may benefit from distant pressure or massage;
Pressure Point
- Tips of the toes = Head and brain
- Middle of the toes = Face and sinuses
- Base of the toes = Teeth, gums, and jaw
- Base of the pinky toe = Neck
- Outer side of the foot = Arms, elbows, knees, legs
- Inner side of the foot =Neck, brain stem, thymus, spine, and bladder
- Outer side of the ankle = Lower back
- Inner side of the ankle = Lymph glands, fallopian tubes, and groin
- Top, middle area of the foot = Lungs, chest, breast, and upper back
Different areas on the soles of the feet are associated with specific internal organs that cannot be accessed during massages, such as the kidneys, spleen, and adrenal glands. Some people may have more pressure points than others, or they can be located in slightly different areas. Finding the most effective foot pressure points for relief might take trial and error.
Reflexology has several assumed benefits. However, there is limited evidence and clinical research to support the exact effect of this therapy.
Massage, pressure, and other forms of stimulation can increase blood supply, improve circulation, and help various substances move through the body. Sometimes referred to as a type of detoxification, reflexology is suspected to help remove calcium, lactate, and uric acid buildup in your tissues, which can cause problems.
The nerve impulse theory suggests that foot reflexology can stimulate nerve signals that correspond with responses in other body areas.
Foot reflexology has been studied as a therapy for some health conditions, including:
- Sleep problems (e.g., insomnia)
- Migraines
- Chronic pain
- Injury and illness recovery
- Stress management
Some researchers have studied reflexology to support the management of conditions like diabetic neuropathy and multiple sclerosis, but the outcomes vary. Additionally, some people, like pregnant people or those sensitive to overstimulation, should avoid reflexology due to potential complications.
Reflexology research suggests that this therapy is most beneficial for relieving sleep problems, pain, and stress symptoms, especially in older adults. It may also reduce the medication required to manage chronic conditions like insomnia. Source
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