Textured skin is the term given to skin that appears raised or uneven in certain areas. Textured skin can appear anywhere on the body, but you’re more likely to notice it on your face where it may feel bumpy and dry to the touch. It’s often the result of enlarged pores, acne, or acne scarring.
It’s impossible to achieve completely flat, smooth skin because to do so would mean having no pores - and pores play a vital role in keeping skin healthy.
However, there are ways to prevent and minimise the appearance of textured skin. These include at-home solutions such as using an exfoliation scrub, retinol serum and products containing alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs).
Rough, textured skin can appear on different parts of the body and for various reasons. Common areas include:
1. Back: since this area has a large surface area and is difficult to reach, dead skin cells can build up and give the appearance of textured skin. Additionally, any pimples or acne scarring may be more difficult to resolve in this area and also contribute to uneven texture.
2. Face: milia and clogged pores on the face can become enlarged over time, leading to an uneven texture. Sun damage also contributes by breaking down the skin’s collagen, leading to a lack of elasticity and an uneven appearance.
3. Neck: similarly, since this area is likely to be exposed to the sun, UV radiation will break down the skin’s collagen production over time.
4. Legs: rough or bumpy skin on the legs may be caused by general dryness or, in some cases, a condition called keratosis pilaris (KP), which is a build-up of a protein called keratin.
5. Arms: your arms may also experience KP and have small bumps as a result.
There are a number of possible causes for textured skin and these may differ depending on where it appears on your body. Common causes include:
1. Ageing: as we age, the skin naturally loses its ability to readily produce elastin and consequently loses firmness, leading to an uneven texture
2. Dryness: dry skin, which may be the result of psoriasis or KP, can feel rough to the touch and may appear flaky, contributing to an overall textured appearance
3. Acne: persistent and severe acne can leave the skin with pitted scars that leave the skin looking uneven
4. Sun exposure: as we’ve covered, excess exposure to UV radiation can break down the skin’s collagen causing it to lose elasticity. The sun can also cause the skin to become dry or rough, especially if you experience sunburn
5. Genetics: genetics play a large role in your overall appearance and skin texture. If a parent and grandparent struggled with uneven skin texture or enlarged pores, then you’re more susceptible to experiencing it too
6. Skin conditions: conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and rosacea can cause rough, uneven skin texture and dryness.
When it comes to getting rid of textured skin, prevention is the best cure. There is no one way to prevent textured skin altogether, but by following the tips below you can certainly help to minimize its occurrence:
- Moisturize Daily
- Always Wear Sunscreen
- Soothe Acne Symptoms
- Exfoliate Regularly
- Minimize Use Of Harsh Skincare Products
- Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle
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